Frequently asked questions

When can I expect my order?

Delivery date is dependent on your location and chosen shipping method.

For deliveries in the UK we offer 1st class delivery – which is expected next day (including Saturdays), or standard 2nd class delivery which is expected to arrive within 2-3 working days.

Delivery methods for all other locations are listed on our shipping page.

Can I return one or more items from my order?

You can return one or more items for an exchange or refund, up to 14 days after your goods are received, provided they are in their original, unused condition.

Visit our returns page for further details, and a link to download our returns form.

Will you donate to my charity?

We are currently working to partner with a number of additional charities, so if there’s a cause that’s really important to you please do let us know.

Visit our charity page to submit details of the charity you’d like us to consider.

How do I contribute to your blog?

If you’ve got a story you’d like to share on our blog please let us know! We’re focused on building a community where users can read and share stories and we would LOVE for you to be a part of it.

You can submit your story here, or send us an email at share@missro.co.uk.

Don’t forget to mention how you’d like us to credit the author. Unless stated otherwise, we will submit all posts as anonymous. If you’re comfortable, you’re more than welcome to leave your age/gender/location or any other details you’d like to be displayed.

When are you releasing new products?

Join our mailing list and be the first to get your hands on new products, have a sneaky peek at what’s coming soon, and to receive promotional offers for MEMBERS ONLY!