Read Our Journal

We give you permission, just this once…

For some reason, it’s extremely liberating to let our all-consuming thoughts out into the world. So, we’ve created an outlet, for those of us that are ready, to speak out and share our stories. The most important thing for us is being able to post as many different experiences as possible, in the hope that we can all learn from, or resonate with, someone else.

Submit below to join our community of self-confessed psychos! 

Even if you don’t wish to share… please, read along! Hopefully, you will find someone who resonates. Hearing from others is such a helpful way to begin recognising similar patterns within oneself, and it also helps us feel a little bit less alone. In essence, that is our goal. We’d love to build a community for anyone suffering. A space to learn from and about others experiences. A space for those of you, who like us, just need a fucking break.

Sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of the page to be notified of newly shared stories.

Having struggled with the repercussions of poor mental health, throughout my life, I can’t wait for the day that it’s normal to discuss our problems openly. I very much hope that, together, we can make stigma a thing of the past.

RoseFounder & Creative Director