Returns Policy

You can return items to us for a refund up to 14 days after your goods are received, provided they are in their original, unused condition and you, the consumer, have taken responsible care of the goods whilst in your possession.

As well as your reason for request, it could be helpful to attach any relevant images of the product you wish to return. The more information you can provide, the better.

Please allow 24hours for our team to process your refund request.

Once your refund has been accepted, you will receive an email containing instructions to send your goods back to MISSRO. Remember to obtain and keep a certificate of postage from the post office, as this will act as your proof of delivery.

International returns: Customs declarations for all non-eu returns must be marked “Returned goods. No commercial value.”

Exchanges: We can exchange products to a different colour or fabric of the same item. If you want a different item, you will have to return the unwanted item for a refund and place a new order. when you return your order, just pop your returns form in the parcel detailing your exchange colour or fabric. 

Click here to request a refund on your chosen order and to fill in the “returns form”.

For further information please give us a shout at